IQ Scores and IQ Levels

1. IQ Score

IQ Score is an individual assessment of a person's intelligence and cognitive abilities relative to an average person of the same age. In other words, IQ Score is the ratio of a person's mental age to his or her biological age. Mathematicians and Nobel laureates have the highest IQ Score values.

2. IQ Level

The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), developed by the renowned American psychologist and psychiatrist David Wechsler, is most commonly used to classify IQ levels

IQ Range ("deviation IQ") IQ Classification
130 and above Very Superior
120–129 Superior
110–119 High Average
90–109 Average
80–89 Low Average
70–79 Borderline
69 и ниже Extremely Low

3. What is the Average IQ?

The average IQ is 100 points with a standard deviation of 15 points in both directions. Thus, if we examine a large number of people, about 50% of them will get values in the range of 90 to 110. The rest of the test takers will score below 90 and above 110.

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